
CBSE/Class 6
About this course

CBSE Class 6th science syllabus includes topics from all three sections which are physics, chemistry, and biology.  Class 6 Science is provided here to help you clear all your doubts and boost your exam preparations. All these science NCERT Class 6 science solutions are very easy to comprehend and help you to understand all the basic concepts in a much better way. 

By the numbers
Skill level : Beginner
Lecture : 1
Student : 0
Video length : 0:59:00
Language : English

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Chapter 1: Food: Where Does It Come From?

Section NameTopic Name
1Food: Where Does it Come From?
1.1Food Variety
1.2Food Materials and Sources
1.3Plant Parts and Animal Products as Food
1.4Plant parts as food
1.5What do Animals Eat?

Chapter 2: Components of Food

Section NameTopic Name
2Components of Food
2.1What do Different Food Items Contain?
2.2What do Various Nutrients do For Our Body?
2.3Balanced Diet
2.4Deficiency Diseases

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric

Section NameTopic Name
3Fibre to Fabric
3.1Variety in Fabrics
3.3Some Plant Fibres
3.4Spinning Cotton Yarn
3.5Yarn to Fabric
3.6History of clothing material

Chapter 4: Sorting Materials and Groups

Section NameTopic Name
4Sorting materials into groups
4.1Objects around us
4.2Properties of materials

Chapter 5: Separation of Substances

Section NameTopic Name
5Separation of substances
5.1Methods of separation

Chapter 6: Changes Around Us

Section NameTopic Name
6Changes Around us
6.1Can all changes always be reversed?
6.2Could there be other ways to bring a change?
Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plant
Section NameTopic Name
7Getting to Know Plants
7.1Herbs, Shrubs and Trees

Chapter 8: Body Movement

Section NameTopic Name
8Body Movements
8.1Human Body and Its Movements
8.2Gait of Animals

Chapter 9: The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

Section NameTopic Name
9The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
9.1Organisms and The Surroundings Where They Live
9.2Habitat and adaption
9.3A journey through different habitats
9.4Characteristics of  organisms

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances

Section NameTopic Name
10Motion and Measurement of Distances
10.1Story of transport
10.2How wide is this desk?
10.3Some measurements
10.4Standard Units of Measurements
10.5Correct Measurement of Length
10.6Measuring the length of a curved line
10.7Moving things around us
10.8Types of motion

Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections

Section NameTopic Name
11Light, Shadows and Reflections
11.1Transparent, opaque and translucent objects
11.2What exactly are shadows?
11.3A pinhole camera
11.4Mirrors and reflections

Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits

Section NameTopic Name
12Electricity and Circuits
12.1Electric cell
12.2A bulb connected to an electric cell
12.3An electric circuit
12.4Electric switch
12.5Electric conductors and insulators

Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets

Section NameTopic Name
13Fun with Magnets
13.1Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
13.2Poles of magnet
13.3Finding directions
13.4Make your own magnet
13.5Attraction and repulsion between magnets

Chapter 14: Water

Section NameTopic Name
14.1How much water do we use?
14.2Where do we get water from?
14.3Water cycle
14.4Back to the oceans
14.5What if it rains heavily?
14.6What happens w it does not rain for a long period?
14.7How can we conserve water?
14.8Rainwater harvesting

Chapter 15: Air Around Us

Section NameTopic Name
15Air Around us
15.1Is air present everywhere around us?
15.2What is air made up of?
15.3How does oxygen become available to animals and plants living in water and sons?
15.4How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Section NameTopic Name
16Garbage in, Garbage out
16.1Dealing with Garbage
16.3Think and Throw
16.4Recycling of Paper
16.5Plastics boon or a curse?

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